Sunday, December 16, 2012

വ്യാജത്തില്‍ അഭിരമിക്കുന്ന പുതന്കുരിശിലെ സൊസൈറ്റി Part I I

ഒരു നുണ നൂറു പ്രാവശ്യം ആവര്‍ത്തിച്ചാല്‍ അത് സത്യമായിതീരും എന്ന് പറഞ്ഞത് ഹിറ്റ്‌ലറുടെ പ്രോപഗണ്ട മന്ത്രി ആയിരുന്ന ഗീബല്സാണ് . സമീപ കാലത്ത് അതിന്റെ സാധ്യതകള്‍ ഏറ്റവും പ്രയോജനപ്പെടുത്തിയത് പുത്തന്‍ കുരിശിലെ പുത്തന്‍ സൊസൈറ്റി /സഭ ആണ്. വ്യാജവാര്‍ത്ത ചമയ്ക്കുക വ്യാജ രേഖകള്‍ ചമയ്ക്കുക,വ്യാജ തിരുശേഷിപ്പുകള്‍ ഉണ്ടാക്കുക ,വ്യാജ കുര്‍ബാന നടത്തുക എന്നിങ്ങനെ ഒരു ക്രൈസ്തവ വിശ്വാസിക്ക് ഒരിക്കലും ചിന്തിക്കാനാവാത്ത കാര്യങ്ങളാണ് ഈ സമൂഹം നടത്തുന്നത്.ദൈവത്തോടുള്ള ഭക്തിയെക്കള്‍ അന്ത്യോഖ്യയോടുള്ള ഭക്തി തലയില്‍ കയറി ,ഉന്മാദത്തി ന്റെ  അരികിലെത്തിയ മാനസികാവസ്ഥ ലളിത മനസ്കരായ വിശ്വാസികളുടെ ഇടയില്‍ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചു ഇതിന്റെ നേതൃത്വം ഇന്ന് സമ്പത്തിലും സ്ഥാന മഹിമയിലും അഭിരമിക്കുന്നത് പൊതുസമൂഹം നിസ്സഹായതയോടെ കണ്ടു നില്‍ക്കുന്നു .

ശീമോന്യ പാപം എന്ന് ചുരുക്കത്തില്‍ പറയാറുള്ള,അപ്പോസ്തോല പ്രവര്‍ത്തികള്‍8:11-21 ഇ ല്‍ ‍ പരമാര്‍ശിചിട്ടുള്ള (പണം കൊടുത്തു  ആദ്ധ്യാത്മിക നല്‍വരങ്ങള്‍ ‍‍നല്‍കുക) പാപം ആ സമൂഹത്തിലെ ഒരു സമ്പ്രദായം ആയിട്ട്
 വര്‍ഷങ്ങളായിഇപ്പൊ അപ്രകാരം  പണം നല്‍കിയാണ്‌ താന്‍ മെത്രാനായത് എന്ന് മോര്‍ ക്ലീമ്മിസ് (തുകലന്‍ കുടുബാന്ഗം )വെളിപ്പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു .ആരോപണ വിധേയനായ മഫ്രിയാന അതിനെ നേരിട്ടത് ആ മെത്രാനെതിരെ ചില വനിതകളെ ബന്ധപ്പെടുത്തിയുള്ള ചില പ്രസ്ഥാവനകളോ ടെയാണ് .മെത്രാന്‍ സ്ഥാനം ലഭിക്കുവാന്‍ കൊടുത്ത പണത്തിനു പുറമേ സ്വന്തം കുടുബസ്വത്തും കൈക്കലാക്കുവാന്‍ ശ്രേഷ്ഠ കാതോലിക്കാ  ശ്രമിക്കുന്നു എന്ന  ആരോപണവും മോര്‍ ക്ലീമ്മിസ് ഉന്നയിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്‌ .പരസ്പരം ഉന്നയിക്കുന്ന ആരോപണങ്ങളില്‍ അല്പമെങ്കിലും അടിസ്ഥാനമുന്ടെങ്കില്‍ ഒരു ക്രൈസ്തവ സഭ എന്നല്ല,സാമാന്യ നീതിബോധമുള്ള ഒരു സമൂഹത്തിനും സ്വീകാര്യമാകുന്ന ഒന്നല്ല എന്നത് വ്യക്തമാണല്ലോ.

കോട്ടയത്തിനടുത്തുള്ള പൊന്പള്ളി എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്ന ദേവാലയത്തില്‍ തോമസ്‌ പ്രഥമന്‍ മഫ്രിയാനയുടെ പ്രധാന കാര്‍മികത്വത്തില്‍ പ്രതിഷ്ഠിച്ച തിരുശേഷിപ്പ് വ്യാജമാണെന്ന് പരസ്യ പ്രസ്താവന നടത്തിയത് യാക്കോബായ സഭ എന്ന്  സ്വയം വിശേഷിപ്പിക്കുന്ന വിഭാഗത്തിന്റെ തന്നെ കോട്ടയം ഭദ്രാസനത്തിന്റെ മേത്രപോലിത്ത ആയ മോര്‍ തിമോത്തിയോസ് ആണ് .അതിനെതിരെ മഫ്രിയനയോ മറ്റാരെങ്കിലുമോ പ്രസ്തുത സമൂഹത്തിന്റെ നിലപാട് വ്യക്തമാക്കിയിട്ടില്ല.ആയതിനാല്‍ മോര്‍ തിമോതിയോസിന്റെ വെളിപ്പെടുത്തല്‍ ആ സമൂഹം നിഷേധിക്കുന്നില്ല എന്ന് വേണം മനസ്സിലാക്കുവാന്‍ സാങ്കെതികമായിട്ടെങ്കിലും പോന്പള്ളിയുടെ മ്ത്രനാന്‍ സ്ഥാനം മോര്‍ തെമോതിയോസിനാണ് എന്നത് കൂടി കൂട്ടി വായിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ കാര്യം കൂടുതല്‍ വ്യക്തമാകുന്നു .

മഫ്രിയനയും അദ്ദേഹത്തോടൊപ്പം അന്നുണ്ടായിരുന്ന മെത്രാന്മാരും 1934ലെ ഭരണഘടന  അനുസരിക്കുന്നു എന്ന് കോടതിയില്‍ സത്യ വാങ്ങ്മൂലം സമര്‍പ്പിച്ചത് 2001ലാണ് .സഭ യോജിപ്പിലാകുവാന്‍ വേണ്ടി ആ വിഭാഗം കൂടി സമ്മതിച്ച വ്യവസ്ഥകള്‍ അനുസരിച്ച് അവര്‍ക്കുകൂടി സമ്മതനായ മദ്ധ്യസ്ഥന്റെ നിരീക്ഷണത്തില്‍ പള്ളി പ്രതിപുരുഷന്മാരുടെ യോഗം കൂടുവാന്‍ എല്ലാ  രു ക്കങ്ങളുംപൂര്‍ത്തിയായപ്പോള്‍ സമാന്തര യോഗം മറ്റൊരു
സ്ഥലത്തുവച്ച് കൂടി പുതിയ ഭരണഘടന  സൃഷ്ടിച്ചത് രാഷ്ട്രീയക്കാരെ വെല്ലുന്ന കുടിലതയോടെയായിരുന്നു.ഇപ്രകാരം കള്ളസത്യം ചെയ്ത ഒരു സമൂഹം സഭ
 എന്ന്സ്വയം വിശേഷിപ്പ്ക്കുന്നത് പൈശാചികം എന്നല്ലാതെ മറ്റെന്തെങ്കിലു
 പറയുവാന്‍  സാധിക്കുമോ?
മലങ്കര വര്‍ഗിസ് വധക്കേസില്‍ ഒന്നാം പ്രതി സ്ഥാനത് ആ സമൂഹത്തിന്റെ ഏറ്റവും
 വലിയ ഭദ്രാസനത്തിന്റെസെക്രടറിയായ വൈദീകന്‌ വന്നതിനെ എന്ത്
പറഞ്ഞാണ് അപലപിക്കുക? ആ വൈദീകന്‌ മഫ്രിയാനയുടെ സെക്രട്ടറി
കൂടിയാണ്   എന്ന് പറയുമ്പോള്‍ ആ കൊലപാതകത്തിന്റെ ഉത്തരവാദിത്തത്തില്‍ നിന്ന് അദ്ദേഹത്തിന് കൈകഴുകുവാനാവുമൊ?

പരമ സാത്വികനായ യൂഹാനോന്‍ മോര്‍ പിലക്സിനോസ് എന്ന മെത്രാനെ ദുരൂഹ സാഹചര്യത്തില്‍ വിഷം കലര്‍ന ഭക്ഷണം നല്‍കി അവശനാക്കി അരമനയില്‍ നിന്നും പുറത്താക്കി എന്ന് മാത്രമല്ല,ഒരു ജന്മദിനാഘോഷം പോലും വിലക്കിയ മനുഷ്യത്വ രഹിതമായ പ്രവര്‍ത്തി കിരാത സമൂഹത്തില്‍ പോലും നിലവിളില്ലാത്തല്ലേ?


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

വകതിരിവ് മെത്രന്മാര്‍ക്കും ആവശ്യ

മലങ്കര സഭയില്‍ മെത്രാന്‍ സ്ഥാനികള്‍ക്ക് സമുന്നതമായ സ്ഥാനമനുള്ളത് .ചിലപ്പോളെല്ലാം ആ സ്ഥനികള്‍ തങ്ങളുടെ നിലവിട്ടു പെരുമാറുന്നത് സഭാ മക്കളെ വേദനിപ്പിക്കരുമുണ്ട് .അത്തരം ഒരു വേദനയില്‍ നിന്നാണ് ഇതെഴുതുന്നത്.

കോട്ടയം ഭദ്രാസന മേത്രപോലിത്ത അഭിവന്ദ്യ ഗീവര്‍ഗിസ്‌ മാര്‍ ഇവാനിയോസ് തിരുമേനി വളരെ ബഹുമാനിക്കപ്പെടുന്ന ഒരു മേല്പ്പട്ടക്കരനാണ്,സംശയമില്ല.ആഴത്തിലുള്ള പ്രാര്‍ത്ഥനാ ജീവിതവും ചിട്ടയായ ജീവിതചര്യയും എല്ലാവരുടെയും ആദരവുകള്‍ പിടിച്ചുപറ്റി യിട്ടുണ്ട് .ആയതിനാല്‍ തന്നെ അദ്ദേഹം ചില സാമാന്യ മര്യാദകള്‍ പാലിക്കാതെ പെരുമാറുമ്പോള്‍ സഭാമാക്കള്‍ വേദനിക്ക തന്നെ ചെയ്യും .അടുത്ത കാലത്തായി അത്തരം സംഭവങ്ങള്‍ പതിവായി ആവര്‍ത്തിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ പ്രത്യേകിച്ചും.

കാതോലികെറ്റ്  ശതാബ്ദിയും  ആനുബന്ധ പരിപാടികളും തിരുമേനി കൂടി അംഗ മായ  എപ്പിസ്കോപാല്‍ സുന്നഹദോസും സഭാ മാനേജിംഗ് കമ്മറ്റിയും കൂടി തീരുമാനിച്ചതാണ്. തിരുമേനിയുടെ അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍ അവിടെ പറയേണ്ടതും ആ തീരുമാനങ്ങള്‍ നടപ്പാക്കുവാന്‍ സ്വയം പ്രവര്‍ത്തിക്കയും മറ്റുള്ളവരെ പ്രവര്‍ത്തിക്കുവാന്‍ ഉത്സാഹിപ്പിക്കയും ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെയും കൂടി ചുമതലയാണ് .എന്നാല്‍ പലപ്പോഴും അത്തരം ചര്‍ച്ചകളില്‍ പങ്കെടുക്കതെയോ അഭിപ്രായം രേഖപ്പെടുത്തുകയോ ചെയ്യാതെ അനവസരത്തില്‍ പൊതു സദസ്സില്‍ വച്ച് സഭാ നിലപാടുകളെ താഴ്ത്തിക്കെട്ടി പ്രസംഗിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നത് തികച്ചും ദുഖകരമാണ് .തന്റെ കീഴിലുള്ള വൈദീകരും ജനങ്ങളും തികഞ്ഞ അച്ചടക്കം പാലിക്കണമെന്ന് നിര്‍ബന്ധമുള്ള തിരുമേനി സ്വയം വിധേയനകേണ്ട ചില അച്ചടക്ക നിഷ്ഠകളില്ലേ ?എപ്പിസ്കോപാല്‍ സുന്നഹടോസിന്റെയും മാനേജിംഗ് കമ്മറ്റിയുടെയും തീരുമാനങ്ങളെ എതിര്‍ത്ത് ആ സമിതികളില്‍ അംഗമായ  തിരുമേനി പൊതുവേദികളില്‍ പ്രസംഗി ക്കുന്നത് അച്ചടക്ക ലംഘനമല്ലേ?പ.ബാവ തിരുമേനിയുടെ കല്പന പ്രകാരം നടത്തുന്ന കാര്യങ്ങള്‍ക്കെതിരെ പ്രസങ്ങിച്ചാല്‍ അത് അച്ചടക്ക ലംഘനമല്ലേ ?

മേല്‍പ്പറഞ്ഞ ചോദ്യങ്ങളുടെ ഉത്തരം അതെ എന്നാണെങ്കില്‍ നോവംബെര്‍ 16അം  തീയ്യതി പുതുപ്പള്ളി വലിയപള്ളി  ഹാളില്‍ നടത്തിയ പ്രസംഗം കൃത്യമായും അച്ചടക്ക ലംഘനമാണ് .കാതോലികേറ്റ് ശതാബ്ദിയുടെ ഭാഗമായ പതാക ഘോഷയാത്രക്ക്‌ പുതുപ്പള്ളിയില്‍ നല്‍കിയ സ്വീകരണ സമ്മേളനത്തില്‍ അധ്യക്ഷനായ തിരുമേനി ഇപ്രകാരമുള്ള ആഘോഷങ്ങള്‍   ആവശ്യ മില്ലെന്നും ഇതുകൊണ്ടൊന്നും ഒരു കാര്യവുമില്ലെന്നും പ്രസ്തവിക്കയുണ്ടായി .ഈ അഭിപ്രായം തിരുമേനി കൂടി ഉള്‍പ്പെട്ട സുന്നഹദോസിലോ  മാനേജിംഗ് കമ്മടിയിലോ അദ്ദേഹം പറഞ്ഞതായി അറിവില്ല.ഇനിയും അപ്രകാരം പറയുകെയും  അതിനെ അവഗണിച്ചു പ്രസ്തുത സമിതികള്‍ മറ്റൊരു തീരുമാനം എടുക്കുകയോ ആണ് ഉണ്ടായതെങ്കില്‍ അദ്ദേഹത്തിന് താഴെപ്പറയുന്ന ഏതെങ്കിലും മാര്‍ഗം സ്വീകരിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു ഉചിതം

1.അച്ചടക്കമുള്ള ഒരു മെത്രാന് ചെര്നവിധം സുന്നഹദോസ് തീരുമാനത്തെ അംഗീകരിക്കയും  അതിനായി പ്രവര്‍ത്തിക്കയും ചെയ്യുക
2.വളരെ തീഷ്ണമാണ്‌ അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ അഭിപ്രായവ്യത്യാസം എങ്കില്‍ ഈ പരിപാടികളില്‍ നിന്നും വിട്ടു നില്‍കുക
3.മറ്റുള്ളവര്‍ക്ക് ഇടര്ച്ചയുണ്ടാകാത്ത വിധത്തിലും സ്വന്തം അഭിപ്രായത്തിനു
വിരുധമാകതെയും  പൊതുവേദികളില്‍ മൌനം പാലിക്കുക

ഇതൊന്നും ചെയ്യാതെ അനേകം വിശ്വാസികള്‍ നിരവധി ദിവസത്തെ പ്രയത്നവും സ്വന്തം പോകെറ്റിലെ പണച്ചിലവും വ്യക്തിപരമായ പല ആവശ്യങ്ങളും ത്യജിച്ചു  സഭ ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ട ഒരു കാര്യം നടത്തുമ്പോള്‍ അവരെയെല്ലാം ആക്ഷേപിക്കുന്ന വിധം പൊതു സദസ്സില്‍ പ്രസംഗിച്ചത്  തികഞ്ഞ മര്യാദരഹിതമായ പ്രവര്തിയനെന്നു പറയുന്നത് ക്ഷമിക്കണം .

ആരും പ്രതികരിച്ചില്ലെങ്കില്‍ ഇപ്പ്രകാരമുള്ള വകതിരിവില്ലാത്ത പ്രവര്‍ത്തികള്‍ ആവര്തിക്കനിടയാകും  എന്നതിനാലാണ് ഇതെഴുതുന്നത്.വാക്കുകള്‍ക്കു മാറ്ദവം കുറഞ്ഞു പോയെങ്കില്‍ ഉദ്ദേശ ശുദ്ധിയെ മാനിച്ചു മാപ്പ് നല്‍കുക

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Should the titular Head of MOC be called Patriarch?

As the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the consecration of Catholicose in MOC,certain Church leaders have come up with an absurd suggestion that the Catholicose designation itself should be jettisoned and the designation Patriarch should be conferred on H.H.Basaliose Marthoma Paulose II.Anybody with elementary knowledge of Church history and Church hierarchy would have laughed at this foolhardy idea mooted by some immature souls.But the working  committee which is enriched with many a member who are innocent of such elementary knowledge, had many takers.Probably they must have thought that they are playing their part in adding glory to the Holy Father and that is the best way to be in the good books of H.H.Finally the matter was left to the Episcopal Synod for consideration.Although there were few voices smiler to the sycophants in the working committee ,better sense prevailed over most,especially the senior members.At the moment the matter is put to sleep.But the sycophants cannot be expected to sit quiet.It appears that a conspiracy to bring up the matter in the public meeting on 25th November at Ernakulam in the form of a resolution or an announcement.In the general mood  of excitement,such a resolution or announcement will be greeted by thunderous applause and that could force the Synod to reconsider the position taken on the issue,so goes the thought process.

From a peripheral thinking,some of the simple souls may find nothing wrong in this move.There are some who think that the designation of Patriarch is sounding better than Catholicose.Since there are two other prelates in Kerala itself,claiming to be Catholicose,why not take the designation Patriarch and be unique?

These thoughts occur when one confuses the title of Ecclesiastic hierarchy with that of the designations of  secular institutions like Government or Corporates.Titles of Church hierarchy has to be related to the traditions of the Church,Eclesiology and its historical progression.Catholicose is a title originated in the Persian Church which was founded by St Thomas and with which MOC had fraternal relationship for 16 centuries.In fact prior to the Portuguese occupying the MOC,the spiritual head of MOC was the Catholicose of Persian Church,irrespective of the fact that they have never seen a Catholicose in flesh and blood.That was the reason why MOC in its quest for Auto-sephaly established the same Catholicate,although it would have been much simpler to have established a differently named ecclesiastical head like many Churches like Georgia,Bulgaria,Ethiopia and so on.

There are legal and other administrative complications ,if such a quixotic move is to fructify.But more important is the issues relating to the legacy and eclisiology.Just because there are some with a lower than average intelectual level persons in critical positions,the Church cannot afford to make itself the laughing stock in front of the world

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Relavence of Catholicate,yesterday,today and tomorrow-Part III

A Futaristic Vision

Any establishment has to pass the test of time.Catholicate in India undobtedly passed that test.A century old establishment is here to stay.Greatest proof of the statement is the presence in India itself two other prelates claiming the same title.H.B.Basaliose Thomas I can at best be described as a Mafriana,but H.B likes to be described asCatholicose only.Patriarchs of Antioch had consistantly held the view that there is no need for a Mafrianate or Catholicose in India.Two sucessive patriarchs,H.H.Yakoob III and Zachaus I  were forced toordain two Mafrianas who describe themselves as Catholicose.It is said that the Snathicon of Thomas I Mafriana states that he is the Catholicose for the society with headquarters at Puthan Cruz.As far as the Catholics are concerned,the official stand of Vatican is that there is no Catholicose in India under Pope.Basalius Clemmis is only an Arch Bishop according to Vatican.But this prelate also likes to be described as Catholicose.The Catholic Church has declared in no uncertain terms that Catholicose is a titile that can be used only for the Patriarch of Rome ie the Pope. The Canonas passed in Udayamperoor states that anyone claiming the title other than Pope shold be excommunicated!!!!Imitation is the best form of admiration,hence knowingly or unknowingly,the Society in Puthan Cruz and the Malankara Rite has admiration for the Catholicate despite the stated positions of their Global churches.

Catholicate today has come to be the symbol of MOC and MOC has aqured a global presence,not only physically,but also in terms of its deapth in Theology,Christian Ethos and Intelectual Class.The unfortunate feuds within the Church has blemished the image of the Church a bit,but the stand of enduring suffering will brighten the image sooner than later.Mission work not aimed at conversion has been taken note of by the discerning sections of the society.

But there are challanges a plenty.Catholicate has to emerge as a spiritual powerhouse of the Church.Administrative and non-spiritual workload of the head of the Church should be shared by panels of experts in the respective fields.These panels should assist the Holy Father in decision making on matters other than spiritual.Services of compatent Bishops should be available to the Holy father in the issues concerning the Church as a whole.Hangers on and sychophants should be done away with.

Theology in Indian context should get proper attention.The correct historical and spiritual ethos of pre-Potughese era should re emerge.This could lead to better understanding between churches sharing the common heritage of St.Thomas.While a complete re-unification of St.Thomas Christians maynot be practical,there are many areas where co-operation is possible.Catholicate should be the driving force on such a move.That, to me,is the greatest relavence of Catholicate for the future.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Relavence Of Catholicate-Yesterday,Today And Tomorrow Part II

Current Reality

In order to take stock of the current reality,one has to start from the arrival of Palakkunnathu Mar Athanasiose in Malankara and developments thereafter.Palakkunnathu Methran played a double game,when it suited him he played the role of Malankara Methran following the traditions of MOC and when it suited him wore the mantle of reformist(meaning move the Church to Protestant faith)
Like all who play double game,he got exposed to the majority of the Church not very long after.The result was ordination of Mar Dionysus V ,the second Malankara Methran from pulikkottil family.He had an unenviable task.The Church and its resources,support of the Government were all with Palakkunnathu.Pulikkottil Thirumeni with the shrewdness that was his greatest asset,fought a valiant battle to save the Church from deviation in faith.Due to the existence of Royal Proclamation in favour of Palakkunnathu,he had to ally with the Patriarch of Antioch in the battle.The synod of Mulanthuruthy passed resolution accepting the Patriarch of Antioch as the spiritual Head of MOC,which is Historically and factually incorrect.Although the Royal Court Judgment did not accept the claim of the Patriarch for Temporal powers,great damage was done to the individuality and self determination rights of MOC.
As the battle for defending Orthodox faith succeeded,but the price was very heavy-the individuality and self determination rights.Establishing Catholicate in India caught the attention of the think tank of MOC at that time(Konattu Mathen Malpan,Fr P.T.Geevarghese(later Mar Ivaniose of Bethany,Elanjikkal John Vakkil etc). Co-operation of the Patriarch of Antioch was necessary for getting this materialised as the Canonas of the synod of Mulanthuruthy had made declarations contrary to facts and History.Therefor the Church requested the then Patriarch of Antioch for establishment of Mafrianate in India.Mafriana was a position in Syrian Orthodox Church which was created for the benefit of Syrian church followers located within Persian Empire.After the Persian Church accepted the Theology propagated by Nestore,the mafrians started claiming to be Catholicose.So both the positions were used synonymously . By establishing a Catholicate/Mafrianate in Malankara,the Church leaders tried to regain the Autonomy and individuality of the Church.The Church would be free of having to satisfy the whims and fancies of the Patriarch for getting Bishops ordained from time to time.Naturally,Patriarch of that time Mar Abdul Masiha turned down the request in strongest possible words.It is an irony of history that same prelate became instrumental in establishment of Catholicate in India.It can be interpreted as an act of the Lord for protecting MOC.If Abdul Masiha agreed for establishment of Mafrianate at the time when the first request was made,MOC would have  been saddled with a Mafrianate only,not a fullfledge Catholicose.
Attempts by the Patriarch to grab temporal powers in MOC was resisted by two of the greatest Malankara Metropolitens-Dionycious V(Pulikkottil) and Dionycious VI(Vattasseril).As long as the MOC was united,these attempts were not sucessful.But the difference of views between Vattasseril Thirumani and his co-trustees gave the Patriarch the kind of break he was looking for.This culminated in the Patriarch issuing a Kalpana ex-communicating Vattasseril Thirumeni.This act of Patriarch triggered a split in the Church .The think tank of the Church again started working on establishment of Catholicate in order to prevent such humiliations on the Church in future.The conditions in SOC at that time was helpful.There were rival claiments to the position of Patriarch of Antioch-Mar Abdul Masiha and Mar Abdulla.Although Mar Abdul Masiha had to leaveTurkey due to the withdrawal of Firman(official recognition of Turkey rular to the religious functionary),he still had his claim on the position of Patriarch . Such situations have happenned in many Churches at different points of time.
Mar Abdul Masiha agreed to co-operate with the consecration of the 1st catholicose in Malankara.Catholicate and mafrianate in Middle east had ceased to function centuries ago. MOC had every claim to revive it due to the relationship with the Persian Church prior to 16th Century.The Malankara Methrans always were considered to be successors to the Throne of St.Thomas .So the Catholicate became a reality defacto and dejore. MOC gained their self determination rights,continuity to the  Episcopal order,and pride in the tradition of St.Thomas.

There were many occations when the Church leaders put up Catholicate on the negotiating Table for the sake of peace in the Church.There were occations when it was mooted that Catholicate can be sacrifised on the alter of Peace in the Church.But the lord of the Church who gifted this position to the Church ensured that the Catholicate stayed and gained more and more strength.With the Malankra Methran position also getting merged with that of Catholicose,the institution gained more strength as the spiritual and temporal head of the Church.A row of great men of spiriyual authority holding the post for nearly a centuary,Catholicate gained strength with passage of time.Today,it is the fulcrum on which the MOC is moving.Personality of the incumbent is influancing the history of the Church.Hence Catholicate is more than part of the History.It is a force that influences History

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Relavance ofCatholicate Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow

Historical Relavence

As the Catholicate in India reached the historical land mark of 100 years,it is time to take a hard look at the historical relevance of this establishment.I intent to write 3 postings,one looking at the past second in relation to the current realities,and third from a futuristic point of view.this posting is from a historical point of view.

Origin of Catholicate was in Persia,in the early centuries of Christianity.St.Thomas,one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ was the founder of Christianity in India and Persia.The Church developed in Persia more or less on the same lines as in the Roman empire,only difference being that unlike in the Roman empire,the Church in Persia did not undergo persecution during the early phase.The Persian rulers were tolerant up to a point in time,to be precise,till Emporer Constantine accepted Christianity and made it the official relegion of the Empire.Persian rulers suspected that the Christians of the Persian Empire will become loyal to Rome due to this devolopement.

The local congregations had leaders who were called Episcopas or Kassisas(both the terms at that point in time were of the same meaning-leaders of the local Church).But with the spread of Christianity in many locations,Episcopas in the main Cities and towns gained  administrative control over the Churches in nearby villages and Diocese set ups came into being.At that time also,there was no central authority/administrator for the Church for the whole empire.Any contact with the Church in the Roman empire was not possible due to the hostility between the two empires.The Persian Church used Chaldean dialect of Syriac language.

Over a period of time,Christianity was recognised as the second religion of the empire(first being Zoroastrianism,the religion of Sun worshippers,now followed by Parsi community in India).Importance of the Episcopa at the Capital city of the Empire increased due to this prelate being the authorised Church leader to deal with the Empire on religious issues.Slowly the Prelate at the Capital City became the defacto head of Persian Church.This was followed by the prelate being designated as Catholicose,meaning "of the whole world".(each empire at that time used to refer to themselves as the "world".)

As St.Thomas is the founder of the Church in Persia and India,the Bishops deputed from Persian Church were the spiritual heads of the Church in India.The Christians in India regarded the Catholicose of Persia as their spiritual  and titular head ,although they never had an oppertunity to see their spiritual and titular head in flesh and blood.The Bishops deputed by the Catholicose administered such of those sacraments which needed a Bishop(Episcopa).However such discharging of duties by the Episcopa was only at the suggestion of Archdiackhon,who was the real administrator of the Church,althoug in the hirarchy of priesthood he was only a KASSISA.Malankara Nazranis held the Archadiackhon in high esteem.  One of the causes for  the revolt of Koonan Cruz was the attempts by  the Roman Church to belittle the Arckhadiackhon to the point of extinction.One of the reasons why the Church had to submit to the Roman rule was the difficulty faced in getting across to India Bishops from Persia.

The start of relations with Syrian Church in the 18th Centuary was aftar exhausting all efforts to get the continuity of High preasthood from other Orthodox Churches in the Middle East.The authority of Bishops from outside further weakened as the position of Arckhadiakhon was elivated to that of a Bishop as a result of Koonan Cruz.Situation changed with Palakkunnathu Mar Athanasios got himself ordained as a Bishop ,without the mandate of the Parish Church representatives(PallyPrathip  urusha Yogam).The royal prclamation issed by the Maharaja of Travancore in favour of Mar Athanasiose stated that the claim of this bishop to be the head of Malankara Church as his being ordained by the Patriarch of Antioch.This possibly could have been due to the influence of British Resident in Travancore who was more powerful than the King himself.The Rsident had a vested interest in making Mar athanasius as the Head of malankara Church ,the hidden aganda being Prtestanisation of MOC

Events subsequent to this devolopement saw attempts by sucessive Patriarchs of Antioch to colonise the Malankara Church.The need for establishment of Catholicate in India became more and more necessary due tio subesquent devolopements.I will deal with those devolopement in the next post.

It is in this background that the entity of Catholicose in India needs to be viewed.It is a symbol ofthe Historic relatioship with the Persian Churchwhich was also founded by St.Thomas.The Bishops from Syrian Orthodox Church tried to portray Persian Church as Nestorians and hence heritics.MOC at that time didnot have the theological or historical understanding on the issue.Hence the relationship became something they prefered to underplay.But the fact is that the Theological hairsplitting debates in the middle east didnot trouble MOC which followed the teachings of St.Thomas which they termed as Marthomayude Margavum Vazhipadum Even after the Bishops from SOC started their work in Maklankara,it took a couple of Centuries for them to force the west syrian forms of worship on MOC.If one goes through the liturgical changes in MOC it will become clear that the MOC faithfuls were exteremely reluctant to give up the Chaldian Syriac Liturgy.


Friday, July 6, 2012

When Should We Celebrate St Thomas Day in India?

Churches in India celibrate St Thomas day on July 3rd every year.Significance of this date is that on this date theHoly relics of St Thomas was brought to Edessa in the later part of 4th Centuary and was placed in a Church there.The Churches in Middle east started celebrating st thomas day from that date onwards.looking at things from their point of view,one cannot fault this,although the Dukhorno of a saint should ideally be on the day of martyrdome .St Peater and St  Pauls Dukharono is on 29th June,the day when the lent for the Apostles conclude.This also doesnot coincide with the martyredome date of the Apostles.

The Church in India blindly followed the Churches in Middle east and west and started celibrating the Dukharono of St Thomas either without realising or overlooking the fact that actualyy they are celibrating the loss of Holy relics of their patron saint from their soil!!!Church in Edessa has reason to celibrate that day since they got the holy relics of their patron saint on that day-it is a day of great gain for them.Atleast the Orthodox Church in India should shift St Thomas day to a more appropriate date.The day of Martyrdome of St Thomas is 21st December,which is very close to Christmas.Whynot consider16th June,the starting date of the lent of Apostles? Or the sunday after Easter when St Thomas made the declration of faith"My Lord and My God"?.Malayattoor Church and St.Thomas Church(Populerly known as Kurishupally) at Kottayam are celibrating the Perunal of St Thomas on that day.The Holy Synod of MOC should seriously consider this point and take suitable steps.

I am not making this request to Puthan Cruz Society since it is not clear asto whether they regard St Thomas as an Apostle or not.Patriarch Yakoob III declared him as not even Kahanotho(Priest).But HH's successor,HH Zacha I has found it appropriate to include the name of St Thomas alongwith St Peater and St.Paul in the Thubdhen.Dr Babu paul who claims to be the concience keeper of the Patriarch says that the present Patriarch is correcting the mistake of his predicessor in a subtle way.Ther is no guarentee that a successor of Patriarch Zacha I willnot "correct the mistake "of Zacha I in a more subtle way.It is another matter whether Appostles have to be at the mercy of Patrirchs for their position which the "Lord and my God"has given them.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Disintegration Of Syrian Orthodox Church in Syria and India

Last phase of the disintegration of Syrian Orthodox Church ( which is headed by Zacha I Patrirch)is happening now.It is the smallest group among the Church in Middle east headed by a prlate designated as Patriarch of Antioch(There are 5 such prelates who claim the title Patriarch of Antioch).There has been rumblings within that Church over racial and other issues.But the present crisis is unprecedented.On the one side the ongoing civil war in Syria makes their lives miserable. On the other side internal issues of the church is tormenting them.The Church is run by the funds provided by expatriates who are distributed over Eaurope,US and other parts of the world.But they are treated as milking cows whose only job is to provide funds at the beck and call of Demascus. However a stage has come where the Prelate is forced to flee from H.H's Headqurters at Demascus and seek assylum in Germany ,said to be for medical treatment.A few years back the same prelate had sought and obtained a Visa giving reason as Ayurvedic treatment,but had done everything while in india other than anything remotely connected to Ayurvedic treatment.

 The last bastion of Syrian Orthodox Church in India is also crumbling.Unlike in Syria,they have very strong political backing.There has been photographs of Kerala Chief Minister,Home Minster etc taking humble servile postures before the Bishops of Puthan Cruz Society.But their problems are different.One of their Bishops have levelled very serious allegations about the society leadership.It includes taking bribes for ordaining of Bishops,Non publication accounts for Church funds,Murder attempt on the Bishop,Poisoning incident that took place inPatriarchal Centre in Puthan Cruz,so on and so forth.It is rumoured that about half the Bishops in their faction favour Bishop Clemese who came out with these revelations.Most of the allegations raised by Bishop Clemese was in the grapevine for long.No one in that sect had the guts to air it in public.Finally Bishop Clemese and some of the Laymen have openly come out with revelations that have sent shock waves not only within that Church,but across the general public.

Hudaya Canon explicitly states that if anyone secures the Priestly orders on giving bribes,he and the Prelate who ordained him should be expelled from the Church.Here Bishop Clemese states that he paid 3 crores.Bishop Joseph Mar Gregoriose,Secretary of the Synod states that only 3 lakhs have been recieved.What is in dispuite is only the amont involed-two zeros in the figures of 3 cr and 3 lakhs.Fact that money changed hands as a precondition to ordination is established.

Bishop Mar Clemese is from Thukalan family which was with the Patrirchal faction and has provided that faction leadership.There are many such ardent devotees of the Patriarch who are suffocated in the present regime. Many of the families whic were leading lights in pro Antioch faction in yester years got disillutioned and either switched sides or withdrew from the activities.Palampadam,Konattu,Akkara are some of those families.The laymen leaders at present are of a different quality and virtual yesmen to Thomas I Mafriana.A number of faithfuls of the patriarch of antioch are nursing a feeling of despire.The present devolopements could be the last straw on the Camal's back for many of them.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Nominations to Church Bodies


Administration of Malankara Orthodox Church is a combination of democratic and episcopal systems.IN FACT IT WAS 100%DEMOCRATIC IN PRE- COLONISATION ERA(THAT IS UP TO 14TH CENTURY)Episcopal system started to become powerful in the church as a consequence of its interaction with other Churches,Catholic, Protestant,Oriental Orthodox,to be precise.Surprisingly,even Protestant Churches which are considered to be more democratic in character have influenced the malankara church to move towards more episcopal administration.Yes,Malankara Church in pre- colonisation period had been more democratic than even Protestant Churches.The synod at Udayamperoor held at the initiative,leadership and stewardship of Bishop Menzies of Catholic Church ( hailing from Portugal) had a majority of delegates from the laity.That Bishop Menzies chose to ignore the Canon law of the Catholic Church, that a Synod which has laymen participation becomes null and void for that reason alone,is a living testimony to the influence of laity in the pre colonisation days in Malankara Church.Bishop Menzies knew quiet well that he will not be able to implement any decision without taking into confidence the laity in Malankara Church.

         Weakening of the Palliyogam (meeting of the Church representatives) started with the advent of an Indian Bishop as the head of Malankara Church. By no strach of imagination can Marthoma I be accused of being responsible or even being remotely causing the decline of the power of Palliyogam. It so happened that the events post consecration of Marthoma I led to a progressive decline over centuries to the relegation of the authority of the representatives of the laity. Today the representatives of the laity have only one function-to elect the various church functionaries. Once the Episcopal elections are over, the Palliyogam has absolutely no control over them.

Today the situation is that elections to Church bodies are turned into a farce by virtue of nomination powers enjoyed by the Episcopacy. The most glaring misuse of power is the nomination of persons who lost the elections to the same body. By that act the Episcopal leadership is ridiculing thePalliyogam.When the Episcopal eldership decides that a person who has been found unsuitable by thePalliyogam to be a member of a certain Church body,the voice of the laity is being thrown into the dustbin. This is a glaring case of misuse of power.

The logic of nominations can be summarized as follows:

1. To give representation to the strains of opinions which are not there in the elected component?

2. Get persons with expertise in fields that the Church will need from the elected quota

3. To foster a sense of belongingness to miniscule sections like mission churches and different linguistic groups like Brahmavar.

But today the nominations serve very many other purposes, but not the ones stated above. It is rumored that money plays a major part.Calibare of most nominated persons is not worth writing home about. Some of them have bad reputation. Then come the persons who lost the election. On the whole, the nominations stink and stink badly.

As the saying goes, owe corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There should be some norms for the Episcopal leadership to exercise the powers vested on them. It is not a healthy development for the Church where the laity has to raise in revolt against the Episcopal leadership

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Contrversy over Commies using the Picture of Christ

Picture of Jesus Christ that was exhibited in an Exhibition connected to the State level meet of Communist Party of India(Marxist) has kicked up a new controversy with Political parties and Church organisations taking sides.The Puthan Cruz Society(who calls themselves Jacobite Church) is almost on the verge of a split.The crisis is so serious that the Patriarch of Antioch has summoned Bishops of both sides to Damascus despite the fact that the city is torn by Civil war.The Bishops have found that as a very convenient excuse for not responding to the summons since a decree by the Patriarch is bound to snub one of the sides.

That apart,let us examine the issue in depth.The facts are as follows:

A picture of Jesus Christ was displayed in an exhibition conducted by CPM titled Revolutionaries-Christ to Marx.The logic of CPM was that since History is divided into AD and BC,They have taken into account revolutionaries of Anno Domini,chronologically Jesus happened to be the first.They have describe Christ as a revolutionary who stood for the cause of the sections of society who were sidelined by the establishment of those days,consisting of the Roman aggressors and Jewish Clergy and the upper class.

Political parties opposed to CPM and the Catholic Church cried foul.According to them a political party who has dialectical materialism as an article of faith are not entitled to use the picture of Jesus.Catholic Church had a different angle to it.The CPM has seen only one part of the work of Jesus,they do not recognize Him as a Perfect Man and Perfect God.The Marthoma Church took a mid path stating that Jesus indeed was a revolutionary and there was nothing wrong in somebody recognizing Him on those lines.From the Puthan Cruz society,one Bishop visited the exhibition and endorsed the CPM view,some other Bishops and a laymen organisation took more or less the same stand as the Catholic Church.

Now lets examine the issue.Jesus have been defined in many different ways over the centuries by different people.In fact the very fist split in the Universal Christian Church was over the personality of Christ.There has been hairsplitting debates among 3rd to 6th century Church fathers on defining the personality of Christ.Finally it turned out to be much sound and fury,signifying nothing.All that happened was splits ,excommunications,and calling each other heretics.

In the 7th century Islam defined Christ as a prophet but not as son of God,although they acknowledged his miraculous birth.

The Commies have now defined Christ as a revolutionary and that is the current issue.Was this a sudden revelation to them?Or is it a deft political move? I subscribe to the view that the move is part of a well planned political strategy.It is part of a plan to get supporters from Christians of Central Kerala who are not favourably disposition ed to Commie ideology.The conventional Christians view Commies as atheists and against Christianity.Hence the party is weak in areas dominated by Christians.

The forces aligned against Commies found red signal there and their survival instincts prompted them to react sharply or perish.Dents in Christian vote bank is something they can hardly afford.So they had to done the mantle of protectors of Christ from atheists.This could perhaps contain some erosion of their vote bank,if at all the Commie strategy is to work.

The real questions are:

Can Christians insist that all others need to define or understand Christ as they do(especially since different sects of Christians understand ?Define Him differently)?
If someone is willing to accept one part of the personality of Christ,why should a Christian object to it?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Some Thoughts on the new Managing Commettee

Malankara Syrian Christian Association is in the process of electing a new managing committee.As the most expressive forum of the democratic character of the Church, the present elections have its due place.Some of the thoughts that are occurring to a person taking more than average interest in the matters of the Church,I would like to put for debate certain thoughts of mine.
Let us first examine what the purpose of the Managing Committee is.There are quite a few important functions for the august body.
1.To work in co ordination with the Catholicose and the Episcopal Synod  with a view to uphold the interests of the Church in multi various fields-both spiritual and temporal.
2.Ensure that the resources of the Church is utilised producing the most optimum results.
3.To appraise the leadership of the Church about the ground realities-more particularly the desires and feelings of the laity
4.To try for obtaining the required support from the Church leadership for their Diocese and parish churches
5.Uphold the values of the Church before the general public
6.To be a channel of Communication between the three layers of the Church body-the central leadership,Dioceses and the parish Churches.

The above list is not exhaustive,but indicative.There are of course many more.I have listed down a few that I thought are most important.

Having considered the functions of the MC,let us now look at what kind of people are required for performing the above tasks.Of course,people from all walks of life should be there(at least from as many diverse backgrounds as possible.But what I am listing down are some of the basic traits of the members,whatever be their background.
a)Primary requirement is that the persons elected should have as their no 1 priority the Church.Those whose primary interest is politic,business,the establishments they work for are not fit for the job of Managing committee members.They may be stalwarts in their field of activity,but if church is down below their priority list,then their utility as Managing Committee Member is zero.
b)Those with vested interests like jobs in establishments of the Church,Promotions,postings ,and so on are to be eliminated
c)There is another set of aspirants whose utility of Managing Committee membership is that of one more feather in their already decorated hats,an additional entry on their letterheads and visiting cards,one more entry in their Bio data for Political bargaining are not fit for this job.
d)The Managing Committee members should have a reasonable level of knowledge about the structure of the Church,Worship and traditions,at least Sunday School level theology,history,Constitution etc
e)Should have the experience and involvement in parish level activities.Participation in at least a few spiritual organisations like Sunday School,Youth league,MGOCSM,Divabodhanam is a basic requirement.
f)Persons who have served the managing Committee for more than 2 terms should make way for others.There is no dearth of capable persons in the Church.If someone insists that once a managing committee member they should hold on to that post life long.If someone insists so,the motives can only be questionable.

No one would dispute that a lot has to change in the Church.Let us make a beginning by electing a managing committee with a difference